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发布时间:2022-09-06 12:05:38 来源:圣迪机械网

中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程3月5日报道称,根据最新预测,能源行业专家Nautilus协会声称,从现在到2040年,在洛斯托夫特港和大雅茅斯企业园区将会有超过590亿英镑(770亿美元)被投资用于螺杆开发新的海上能源和基础设施项目。

Nautilus 协会董事Johnathan Reynolds表示,“我们看到东安格利亚海岸新近海风电项目的巨额新投资,到2025年每年的运营支出接近13亿英镑。在最近一次经济低迷后,海上石油和天然气活动正在恢复,目前正在签订退役项目的合同。这是一个令人兴奋的时刻,能够在能源供应链中拥有如此众多的增长机会。”

洛斯托夫特港和大雅茅斯企业园区于2012年启动,并于2018年扩建,占地超过130公顷,旨在吸引至少200家 企业,在其25年的生命周期内创造超过9,000个直接就业岗位。


徐蕾 摘译自 离岸工程


Eas装袋机t Anglia Expecting $77 Bln in Offshore Projects

Based on the latest forecasts, engery-sector specialists Nautilus Associates claim more than £59 billion ($77 billion) could be invested in new offshore energy and infrastructure projects between now and 2040 in the Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Enterprise Zones.

Johnathan Reynolds, director at Nautilus Associates, said, “We are seeing huge new investments in new offshore wind projects off the East Anglian coast, with an annual operational spend close to £1.3 billion per year by 2025. Offshore oil and gas activity is picking up following the most recent downturn, and decommissioning projects are now being contracted. It is an exciting time to be in the energy supply chain with so many opportunities for growth.”

The Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Enterprise Zones, launched in 2012 and expanded in 2018, cover over 130 hectares of land and aim to attract at least 200 businesses, generating more than 9,000 direct jobs over its 25-year life span.

The Zones are focusing primarily on the energy sector and its supply chains, recognizing the importance of the oil and gas, offshore renewables, and nuclear power sectors to the local area.
